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14.09.2024 | Natural fiber, Success Story, Technology Proof of concept – a customer journey

KIEFEL GmbH, with its modern headquarter, is located at no. 3 Sudetenstraße in Freilassing / Germany. The imposing main building is inviting, despite [...]

Fiber products, fiber cups, fiber flowerpots from Kiefel
04.05.2024 | Material, Natural fiber, Sustainability Fast availability – even in challenging times

The world of packaging is changing at great speed: New customer requirements, new regulations, new technologies - it seems that everything is evolving. [...]

23.05.2023 | Material NATUREFORMER KFT 90 as “Advanced Version”

Interview with Richard Hagenauer - Head of Product Management Fiber Packaging What's new in the Kiefel Fiber Thermoforming world? At this year's Interpack [...]

15.09.2022 | Material, Natural fiber, Sustainability Kiefel goes Fiber

We had the vision to produce packaging from renewable raw materials based on our thermoforming expertise. It was to be an alternative to [...]

15.09.2022 | Natural fiber, Success Story, Sustainability Burger packaging made from natural fibers

The market needs of the gastronomy are diverse and individual. Nevertheless, there are overlaps that unite kitchens of all types. Increasingly, customers prefer [...]

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